As she lay dying of breast cancer at the age of 57, my sister made me promise to find her son. She had thought about him for 37 years, crying each November as his birthday neared.
Olympic Dreaming? Not a Chance
In a world where parents are increasingly beginning to question the benefits of overscheduling their children in organized activities, the Olympics reaches right into a parent’s heart and makes you want to fire up that mini-van and start signing cheques. Almost.
The Grass Might Not Be Greener, But You Can Bet the Neighbour’s Place is Cleaner
Kids often want their parents to be as “normal” as the neighbours appear to be, but sometimes its the eccentricities that turns kids into truly interesting adults.
Rudy: Learning from Death, Embracing Life
On Sunday morning, I dutifully planted myself on a church pew, cursed the itch of new nylon stockings, and entertained myself with the silent addition of the phrase “under the covers at night” to the ends of hymn titles.
When Love is Simply Not Enough
I have had a great love in my life. A 14-year marriage that ended with a great crash in March of last year. Understanding the how’s and why’s a marriage end is largely irrelevant to the bystander. However a marriage ends, the saddest part is the loss of that connection. The loss of that love in the universe.
Destiny at Work: Is Falling in Love Chance or Fate?
Are we destined to love the people we love, and be with the people we are with? I wouldn’t have said so but then a series of strange coincidences convinced me otherwise.
Hands-On Love: Humour Goes a Long Ways in Marriage Success
Two years after losing her mother, writer Star Weiss reflects on her parents’ 69-year marriage, and how they never stopped holding hands.
How a Roomba Healed My Broken Heart
“That’s it, when we’re done here we’re going to get you a Roomba,” Anna said, scraping up the last of the pan-fried potatoes from her plate. We were at Joe’s on Davie, having our traditional Saturday morning brunch. Her boyfriend, also named Kevin, was there, too. “What? You mean now?” I asked. “Yes, now. There’s […]
Who Was Your First Valentine?
I love you. I wonder, how many of us say that every day? It’s such a short sentence. Then again, it is perhaps the longest sentence ever written. It’s so easy to say those three words but it is another thing entirely to demonstrate it every day of our lives. I wonder who can? When […]
Laundry Day
Maybe the resolution last year would have been more successful if it been “Remain celibate and joyfully single” rather than the trap-door-open-for-sex-and-entanglement wording: “Remain joyfully single.”