Tweetsteria is a Twitter powered trivia challenge that pays Singles to compete with each other and research brand facts pertinent to sponsor businesses. Single in the City’s Laura Bilotta and her friend Raymi the Minx debuted Tweetsteria in Mississauga on Wednesday 24 May 2017 and it worked!
The Psychology of Dating Websites
Online dating can simplify the process of finding a mate when you understand the basic psychology of the process. Choice, matching, and communication are the three keys. With a conscious use of these elements, you can achieve great success in online dating!
The Science of Love: How People Unconsciously Choose Their Life Partners
Attitudes and relationships have evolved in modern times but our physical and emotive responses are still seemingly entrenched in the science of love and arguably play an influential part in our search for a partner.
When Man Meets Woman: Texting Do’s and Don’t for Dating
Guys from Generation X may remember calling a gal on the phone after initially meeting, yet today, texting is much more frequent and likely preferred, especially in the beginning of a relationship. Therefore, it’s important for guys to understand the norms, do’s, and don’ts aligned with texting etiquette.
Are You in a Toxic Relationship?
A toxic relationship can drain your energy and sap your enthusiasm for life. Everyone deserves to have a fulfilling and satisfying love life – if you’re not, it’s time to move on.
Are You Addicted to “Love”?
Exploring the commonplace obsession with having romantic relationships filled with “chemistry.” And how this fits into social patterns of addiction.
First Impressions are Overrated
When you choose to focus on the more subtle, but I’d argue deeper aspects of a person in the beginning, it’s much more likely that a first impression will be more useful. Here are some things I look for, just to give some examples:
Flush The Carp!
You should never be a secret. A man should be proud to say he is dating you and you should know the definitions and lines of where you stand in each others lives.
Over Under Two
What the heck is going on in my psyche? What are these feelings? Can you love more than one person at a time? How do you follow your heart if it be given to several ways at once?
Do Unto Others – Turn the criticism of your mate around
Relationships are a struggle. I date one who has money, a career, and a future, and that is important to a relationship. However, another excites me physically, sex is amazing and yet with another, I find that I am in “love”, the feelings are hot and deep. All three things are necessary in a relationship: […]