“I don’t want another dog,” I reminded my family as I reluctantly trailed behind them toward the doors of the Humane Society. “They need to be fed, bathed, taken to the vet, taken for walks and of course be cleaned up after…and you know who’s going to end up doing that.” I continued with my […]
Discovered Love: The Actuality of Magic
When the one you love is engaged to someone else, do you let go and go on with your life…or do you follow your heart even when it seems illogical?
They talked and decided that they couldn’t go there, wouldn’t go there. It would be too complicated, somehow wrong and they were better off staying friends. Nothing gained, nothing lost. Then, ever so quietly, in a foot shuffle voice, he said, “Can I ask just one favour?” “Sure,” she responded. One small questioning word … […]
The Lovers: Exploring Sacred Sexuality
The archetype of The Lovers as depicted in the Tarot speaks to us of the exchange of life force either between two people or within our selves. This is not only experienced as physical passion fulfilled, but also as spiritual intimacy and engagement.
A House of Our Own
I drove by an old wooden house backed into a rain wet piney wooded hillside. I noticed it had no roof. Just like another place from another time.
Relationship Assumptions: Being Over 30 and Single
Why do people assume that a single guy over age 30 must have something wrong with him? Some guys are just fine, thank you very much.
In a Heartbeat: Meeting Her, Losing Her, Wooing Her
The heart. 200 to 425 grams of muscle. What is the thread that binds this vital organ to our most powerful emotions? “He plays the game with a lot of heart.” “She ripped my heart out.” Of course, we certainly can’t overlook the most obvious emotion with the strongest links to the heart. Love. Why […]
We Love the Ones We’re With
Valentine’s Day, 1992. We grin at the camera, our cheeks flushed almost as red as the heart-shaped balloons and streamers draped everywhere in that tiny basement suite we lived in at the time. I was crazy about him then. Now, I look at that picture and can barely remember that period of my life. But […]
To Me, With Love
I’m not against romantic relationships in theory. I just don’t think it’s the be-all and end-all to life. The few relationships I’ve found myself in have all left me feeling…well…not quite me. Like I’m giving up or ignoring something fundamental.
No Sex Please, We’re Married With Children
Folks who have been married for a few years, like my wife and me, know that romance can take a backseat to all the other pressures life throws at you. Sex appears on the “To Do” list, and is never likely to appear before work, laundry, dishes and mortgage payments.