There are many lies singles believe about singleness. Our culture, with is movies and television, say: #1 Marriage is the Key to Happiness. So untrue! We know there are a lot of unhappy married folks. Many divorced or widowed people do with their singleness what they should have done before they married for the first […]
St Valentine’s Day Bachelors’ Ball – Not Quite a Massacre
When a Normandy village decides to hold a Bachelor’s Ball, sparks fly, the cider doesn’t get made on time, and the muscled firemen act like Chippendales dancers.
Abandon All Faith, Hope and Charity, Ye Who Enter Here
Many of us learn the virtues of hope, faith and charity as we grow up. But how do those virtues really serve us through our lives. As Victoria Klassen discovers, there’s a flip side to everything.
An Open Letter to My Bus Boyfriend
Dear Bus Boyfriend (can I call you BB, babe?)…Today is our anniversary. I’ll forgive you for forgetting it, if only because you have no idea who I am. Just so we don’t have this awkward exchange on our next anniversary, let me jog your memory: I’m the frizzy-haired brunette who gets on the bus a few stops after you in the morning.
It’s Not Stalking if Everyone’s Doing It
We were stopped in front of a small window. It looked out over the roof of the next building. On the other side of that roof was another apartment complex. Our little hall window lined up with the window of a kitchen in that complex. What are we looking at? Oh. Oh my…
Relationship Assumptions: Being Over 30 and Single
Why do people assume that a single guy over age 30 must have something wrong with him? Some guys are just fine, thank you very much.