Breathe quietly, dream softly. Don’t eat like a pig.
Archives for October 2018
Eating Seed Corn
Whatever the history, eating seed corn in the literal as well as the metaphorical sense has now become business as usual, as we consume the means of generating future sustenance in the name of present advantage. The explosion of credit boosts the phenomenon exponentially.
Anticipating the Worst: Creating a Safe Environment for an Alzheimer’s Patient
Dementia and the debilitating effects of Alzheimer’s can turn common household objects into lethal dangers. Even the layout of your home may threaten the well-being of an individual who’s in your care.
Reality of Abstraction
‘Four Winds’ is inviting and guiding us to all unlimited opportunities in our lives. There is no right or wrong way, just go and enjoy being.
Cooking for Two: Lamb Meatloaf
Now that all four of my children are away at college, and by away, I mean the closest one is three hours away and the furthest is 2000 miles away, the days of cooking for six are finished—at least on a regular basis. Not only did I cook for six, but they demanded leftovers.
Breaking Silence: Part 6.0
Paint a picture of peace in there. Your lovely, private and safe landscape. Derive your vision straight from the imagination. And let it be as beautiful as peace itself.
Tarmac Meditations: Haiku # 8
Inhale like mountain
Reckless to Recovery
Reckless, relentless and rebellious. Those are the three words that best describe me when it came to my drug addiction and alcoholism. I smoked my first joint, snorted my first line of cocaine and got drunk for the first time at the age of 14.
Making Time for life
Finally, “just do it”; but, don’t expect a reward, recognition or even a “thank you”. It’s a funny thing about human nature in resenting help: perceived charity is hard to swallow. Sometimes you stand alone – it’s okay.
In the distance, I see possibility and joy. Each day, a celebration of the triumphant version of me.