The image most conjured of artists and writers is that of a (usually disheveled) lone person at a desk or in a studio day in and day out for hours at a time surrounded by books, papers, art supplies and endless cups of coffee.
All The Art I Will Never Make
I once had a sketchbook in college that had directives by artists on each page intended as inspiration. One I’ll always remember was, “Do more work. It’s easy to be an artist in your head.”
From My Sketchbook
Widely known neighbourhood landmarks in and around Oklahoma City, OK
When Machines Dream
Step into the future of art where machines dream and artists thrive. Explore how AI revolutionizes creativity, expands artistic horizons, and fosters collaborative partnerships. Witness the democratisation of art and experience the profound positive impact on artists’ visions.
Why Did A Bored Call Center Rep Turn Her Art into TikTok Puzzles
As a call center rep, this lady is constantly bored at work. It sucks being bored at work, and she’d hate for you to be bored at work, too. So, she turned her Bob-Rossian paintings into a series of TikTok puzzles to take your mind off work and be a kid again. It’s fair to say that anyone who wins all these challenges on their first try is a puzzle mastermind.
Painting a Life Outside of Work
“I’ve gotta get out of here. Only reason I’m here is for the cash anyway”, I thought. But, no sense complaining. If you have a problem, then find a solution. I shifted from “I’m miserable” to “what could I do to escape call center work?”.
Isn’t it wonderful that as we age, we finally get to feel comfy with ourselves? And best of all, we learn to live with the person we have found ourselves to be. But then isn’t it equally shocking, how it can all suddenly be tossed into mayhem and be questioned by one single significant event?
“Dear Dinos”
Original artworks named [”sin título 5″ / a) – d)] were produced in watercolor for them to be incorporated into a digital current world accomplishing real art from genuine personal reflection to build a 99+ billion possible unique pieces combination project. I named this “Dear Dinos”
New Wave
The following digital artworks were created by Austin Sessler, otherwise known as “youngdumnumb” online.
Pzycotic Life
The following digital artworks were created by 19 year old digital artist, Austin Sessler, otherwise known as “youngdumnumb” online.
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