Through a series of somewhat delicate questions for something said or heard in meaningful situations was searched: The first was for a word spoken from somebody missed or gone when then the phone suddenly rang and we heard their voice again, another was a single one from a stranger that could lift us up from a bad spot to make us smile, and the last was what one would shout to the most important person in our life upon having realized a great dream. There was no answer and that response told me more than I expected precisely because words matter. It’s quite an interesting parallel between the tangible and the digital. I think we’ve all received notes, maybe in the classroom or in a letter sent to through the mail, and I bet most of us treasured it in that time going as far as re-reading every sentence prizing the thought behind every single word and the strokes from the person that made it. In that moment we could feel the other person knowing the care it takes to put something on paper by hand conscious of it being permanent and of weight.
The aim is to cross this bridge, not only with their relevant hand painted nature, but because as we choose an image as a profile picture we expect it to carry a representation of our traits and personality hoping as well to convey the sincerity and contemplation behind what we write on the platforms we use them in. Because of what I learned from the lack of response I got from the questions posed at the start of the project I understood It’s not easy to express ourselves more so when it makes a difference. We start our correspondence with “Dear” for a reason and I wish we never lose it. Let’s put it back there.
Image Credits
All Images Are © mafloku
Guest Artist Bio
Mafloku is a Mexican artist that works and resides in Tampico, Mexico. Financial Public Accountant who despite no formal training and a seemingly unrelated diverse background in prestigious financial, governmental, public and private institutions, and having started a very short time ago, has accidentally discovered ease of expression in boarding profound insights through color and innocence with an overwhelming positive reception with exhibitions in his home country as well as overseas, acknowledgments, and various national and international publications.
Blog / Website: mafloku
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