In an inspiring video lecture on called “The Power of Mindsight”, Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, author of the book Mindsight, explains his brilliant vision for completely revamping the way we educate our youth. His solution: “Inspire to rewire.”
The Art of Journalling Part 2: Look Back to Learn
Keeping a journal can be anything you envision it to be. Yes, it is an outlet for purging emotions, however, it can be so much more. Let your creativity have some fun with the process. After all, it is a chronicle of your life and there are many wonderful things that happen along the way. It doesn’t only have to contain all of the doom and gloom of the not so pleasant thoughts and events in our lives.
The Art of Journalling Part 1: Let Go and Let Flow
Life Coach Kylen O. Lefave takes you on a journey into the world of journalling, and takes at deep look at how keeping a diary or a journal can help us get in touch with parts of ourselves that are difficult to reach.
Success or Failure: It’s in the Eye of the Beholder
“Striving for superficial happiness seems to be the norm for defining success these days. And if we are unable to live up to that “vision” for some reason, we are deemed to be failures in the eyes of not only our consumer cohorts but, sadly, within ourselves as well,” writes Kylen O. Lefave. So how do we escape from the trap?
Awareness: Is it Really Half the Battle?
With awareness comes change and change is seldom easy. However, I believe that we tend to make things much more difficult for ourselves than need be. Too often we see change as a bad thing. In the case of tragic events that inevitably occur in life it is almost impossible to fathom there being something good to come of it. However, a mere alteration in our perception of these events can be the difference between giving up on life and falling into deep depression or seeing them as opportunities to learn and move forward in a positive way.
What Does “Being Healthy” Truly Mean?
What will it take for us to start loving ourselves enough to realize that we are worth the investment of time, energy and money in order to truly be healthy in a complete and holistic way? Sadly, a lot of people would rather invest in the instant gratification of a daily $5 latte than invest in their actual emotional well being.
Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zone
Over the past few years I’ve been working hard to break through my safety bubble. Albeit, I am still approaching every opportunity to step out of my comfort zone in the only way I truly know how…cautiously….weighing out the consequences. However, now I am saying “yes” to more things that scare me, whether that fear is legitimate or not. Slowly but surely I am facing some of my fears head on
Living Our Best Lives Now!
We often hear people say, “Well, I wouldn’t be who I am today without my past.” Yes, I would agree that we are products of the experiences that lay behind us; however, I would also argue that the past is not what defines who we are in this present moment.
The Re-(e)volution of Chivalry
The word chivalry has come to have many different meanings over the course of history. Its definition seemed greatly varied in written texts depending on the authors of the time, thus making its true meaning very elusive. Derived from the French “chevalier,” meaning knight, chivalry has long been associated with such knightly virtues as honour […]
The Big Question: What Will it Take to Make Earth Day Sexy?
Wouldn’t it be a fabulous world if everyone honoured Earth Day every day? It would certainly be in our global best interest if we did. Sadly, however, it seems even too much to ask to get people pumped up about it just once a year, let alone everyday…Seriously, what will it take to make Earth Day sexy?