Julia McLean offers some tough-love advice for the summer swimsuit season.
5 Tips to Starting Over After a Break Up
For anyone who’s ever gone through a hard break up and needs a few ideas to get back on their feet, Jenn Pedde offers some sound tips.
Change is the Path – Fear is the Enemy
We ask for our problems to be solved, but we don’t like what shows up. Karen Luniw shares some tips on how to move through the fear so you can recognize opportunity when it shows up.
How to Solve the Writer’s Greatest Mystery: The Contract
Writers are painstakingly careful about so many elements of our craft. So why is the writer’s contract something we are careless about? Lorne Daniel explores how to look at the writer’s contract with fresh eyes.
How to Walk Your Dog So You Both Enjoy It
There are lots of ways to walk your dog. Which one is the right way? Eric Brad offers suggestions so that you and your dog can enjoy your walks together.
Adventures in Puppyhood: The Adolescent “Brat” Period
What do you do when your puppy becomes a teenager? Eric Brad talks about his adventures with Rizzo, his young Belgian Shepherd, how to deal with puppy shenanigans, and ways to keep a dog in this phase of life engaged in training.
The “Bait and Switch” of Lure Training
What’s the best way to get your dog to perform the behaviours you want? Eric Brad explores the similarities and the differences between “Lure and Reward” training and “Mark and Reward” training.
The Other Side of Las Vegas
Some people swear that Las Vegas is the centre of the universe — but Moira Gardener discovers that what surrounds Vegas is just as spectacular as what’s in Vegas.
Staying in the Game: How to Motivate Your Dog
Motivation is not something people associate with dogs. After all, there are no doggy motivational speakers. We just assume that our dogs want to do what we ask of them without considering things from their perspective. But what’s in it for them? Companionship? Adventure? Tasty snacks? Fun? Nothing at all? The answer is more complex than you might think.
Make It Easier to Save and Harder to Spend
One of our key Upside Life messages is about developing and maintaining financial well-being through adequate saving coupled with living within our means and buying items when we can afford them. National Public Radio Economic commentator Beth Kobliner gave what I would consider some of the best advice about saving and spending: “Make it easy […]