Sam’s best friend, Elephant, gets left behind. But loving parents and a community come together to reunite them. A storybook you can color, about finding what is lost.
Content Marketing Writer – Is it a Fit for You?
You want to do what you love, write. You would like to support yourself and family with your writing. You tried it and slowly went in the hole. Back to the day job. But it’s not a fit. The stress is killing you. You stumble upon the term content marketing writer. Your curiosity is piqued. But is this for you?
Service Dogs Open the Door to Independent Living
Dogs trained and attuned to their owners have given numerous children and adults who are differently abled: balance, friendship, and courage in the dark.
Meet Anne Brodbeck
She loves to help people become self-aware and grow. How? By coming alongside you as you do the work, and it is work. Any who have braved the path of growth required in a counselling situation can attest. Is it worth it? You bet!
Pole Walking – More Than Simply A Safer Way To Hike
Advantages of pole hiking are it takes about 30% of our body weight and raises the cardio quicker than walking without poles.
A Night With Pamela Porter
Spent a delightful evening at the local library (Sidney/North Saanich) listening to published and unpublished writers. The key speaker following the various works was poet and award winning novelist Pamela Porter. Not only was it a great experience listening to her read, but following the reading of her work Pamela spoke about the craft of writing. Here are my gleanings from this talk.
Community Spirit Shown For Small Town Cinema
As the world turns digital it leaves many small cinemas’ going the way of the Dodo bird; but in this race to stay current and keep the experience of movie going as a community event there is one rising star.
Blessings From The Wind
It was early morning and still dark. The wind was at gale force and howling. She was testy today and grabbed the power lines wrapping them around a tree at the head of the driveway.
Bravo Sir Knight
Many have seen the articles in the Canadian press regarding Vincent Gabriel Kirouac. He is our Canadian Knight errant traveling across the vast expanse of Canada in his knightly garb riding his gentle steed Coeur-de-Lion (Lionheart).
Stock Training: A Balanced Dance
In the first article we looked at Julie Carter’s work training stock dogs at Meadow Oak farm. We discovered that successful stock training is about relationship and co-operation. It is the partnership between dog and trainer that makes for successful herding. Now we will look at the details of how this teamwork is achieved. This […]