This is a bit of creative non-fiction taken from an actual experience of a storm on the pacific west coast in the winter.
It was early morning and still dark. The wind was at gale force and howling. She was testy today and grabbed the power lines wrapping them around a tree at the head of the driveway. Then splitting a healthy Fir tree she hammers the neighbors shed with it. Lastly, in her fury she pushed the fence over. But the wind did not realize there were blessings left behind within the ruin.
How so you may ask? It drove people together. Gathering in warm coffee shops in the town near by strangers shared stories and became acquainted. The woodcutter and power line men had work. The part of the fence that blew down was rotten and going to be taken down soon and replaced so this put an end to procrastination.
The next day the woman got busy and cleared away the rotten fencing. She looked out to the neighborhood beyond and asked herself, why a fence? There are no more small children or pets and the openness would be nice for a time. In fact it is a blessing. This incident could be viewed as an inconvenience or simply a prelude to a long overdue change. And she thanked the wind and took this new found openness into her life.
Photo Credit
Photo is © Moira Gardener
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