Life appeared less complicated when we were young. Our days of imaginary play have become years of reality.
Archives for October 2015
Concrete Creations: Making Styrofoam Cavities
When I pour concrete shapes, I will often use a Styrofoam block to form the cavity. Cutting Styrofoam cleanly is not easy. Based on a few designs I saw on YouTube, I made a hot wire cutter that does indeed cut like a hot knife through butter!
Holiday in Bali
There are few destinations that offer visitors the serene beauty and chance to relax that Bali does. For those of you who are craving the ultimate beaches, there is nowhere better for sunbathing. Here are 5 great Bali beaches you’re sure to enjoy.
Ken Burns and the New York Experience
Our last evening with Tauck was a highlight. The company arranged for all 200 of us to board a private charter ferry for a visit to Ellis Island, the disembarkation point for so many immigrants to the United States.
A Life Without Gods – Impermanence
I live a life without gods. Many people would call me an Atheist and that is not a label that I would deny. I have come to a place in my life where I simply cannot take the word of various “authorities” that a god or gods exist and are agents in this world. My […]
Revealing Respites: Take a Year Off from Life to Discover the Real You
Leaving a place of repetition does not mean cutting ties with people, places, and things that make you feel positive. In addition to the thought of returning, you can keep in contact with important people in your life, continue to do activities that you enjoy, and further appreciate things about a particular location.
Count on Us and Count Us In.
It is my hope that our teachers will support us too in our fight. We are often the forgotten souls of a school. It is my hope that we will all find a common ground that makes us proud to work in our schools and proud to work together.
What Does Good Teaching Look Like?
At the end of the day, good teaching is always a bit risky. It requires a balance of maintaining your power as a teacher, while at the same time giving space to the students in the room to step into their own power, even if that creates conflict along the way.
In Search of Dracula
Hunyadi Castle, in Eastern Transylvania, is the major sight in the town of Hunedoara, which is studded with abandoned factories that date back to the Ceausescu era of the 1970s and 80s. Hunyadi’s origins echo 15th century masonry, and Vlad Tepes, it is suspected, might have been imprisoned within its walls at one time.
Searching for Life in the Stars
By pledging $100 million towards a new SETI research project, famed physicist Stephen Hawking has reinvigorated the search for extraterrestrials. Backed by the Russian tech billionaire Yuri Milner, Breakthrough Listen will be the biggest scientific enterprise yet to seek signs of intelligent life outside our solar system. Do we dare disturb the universe? What if our celestial neighbours don’t want to play nice? Soon we may find out for sure.