One of the superpowers that music and musicians have is the ability to make people move. Dancing for me will always be synonymous with celebration and fun. Our bodies thank us for this effort by giving us huge doses of feel-good endorphins and serotonin.
Are Watches Really Going Out Of Fashion?
Everyone thinks that watches are dead? Killed off by the smartphone! Find out why we disagree.
How Mannequins Saved The Store
Having perfect mannequins that properly represent the merchandise matters to bricks and mortar dress shops struggling to rescue plunging profits.
Searching for Life in the Stars
By pledging $100 million towards a new SETI research project, famed physicist Stephen Hawking has reinvigorated the search for extraterrestrials. Backed by the Russian tech billionaire Yuri Milner, Breakthrough Listen will be the biggest scientific enterprise yet to seek signs of intelligent life outside our solar system. Do we dare disturb the universe? What if our celestial neighbours don’t want to play nice? Soon we may find out for sure.
Breaking The Sound Barrier
As an aircraft approaches transonic velocity, a vapor cone appears due to the condensation of water in the atmosphere.
The Thagomizer!
The word Thagomizer was coined by cartoonist Gary Larson. It refers to a distinctive arrangement of spikes found on the tails of stegosaurid dinosaurs! Who knew!
Embodying a subversive force within the royal court, the Bwoom masquerade is often performed in conflict with the masked figure representing Woot, the creator and founder of the ruling dynasty in the Kuba mythology.
The Crooked Beak Of Heaven
A magnificent example of Kwakwaka’wakw art – The Crooked Beak Of Heaven Mask
Pigmy Dartlet at rest
Pigmy Dartlet (Agriocnemis pygmaea) male, a very small apple green damselfly with black stripes and orange colored abdominal segments.
Zombie Ants …
Zombie-Ant fungus? Perhaps this was a source of inspiration for some X-Files episodes!