Drone technology has come a long way in the past several years, taking in broader views than ever before. From the entertainment sector to practical work environments, such as construction and agriculture, the brains behind UAV’s have developed to accommodate more of our requests in faster, sleeker style.
Digital Assistants and New Artificial Intelligence
In under a decade, software developers predict that “voice assistants” like Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa and Microsoft’s Cortana will be capable of speaking with us in natural, flowing conversation – guiding our Internet search queries, the function of our homes, and the direction of our very thoughts and imaginations.
Smart Cities: Improving Urban Energy Efficiency and Quality of Life
The advent of the “smart” phone has transformed the world, putting the processing power of yesterday’s supercomputers in the palm of our hands. Much more than a convenient route to the Internet, these tools have bridged the realms of the personal and the digital—they know to whom we speak, where we go, which websites we visit, and even our basic health information.
Searching for Life in the Stars
By pledging $100 million towards a new SETI research project, famed physicist Stephen Hawking has reinvigorated the search for extraterrestrials. Backed by the Russian tech billionaire Yuri Milner, Breakthrough Listen will be the biggest scientific enterprise yet to seek signs of intelligent life outside our solar system. Do we dare disturb the universe? What if our celestial neighbours don’t want to play nice? Soon we may find out for sure.
Big Ideas are Becoming Virtual Realities
Consumer-grade virtual reality isn’t far off, and while some still see these “space age” devices as nothing more than nerdy gaming accessories, there are numerous practical applications for VR tech that take it beyond the realm of entertainment.
Algae: Turning Pollution to Power
Algae’s ability to both capture and convert the energy of the sun makes it one of the most promising biofuel solutions in sight. Simultaneously producing natural oils while consuming the pollutants in waste-water, algae is one of the “greenest” ways to fuel the future.
Remembering Leonard Nimoy…
While he will be forever remembered for his work on television, Leonard Nimoy was infinitely more: a photographer, a writer, an advocate for science and a humanitarian, through and through. The world is a better place having had him in it.
What People are Saying about Smart Meters and Smart Grid Technology
Smart meters (which transmit data about our personal energy consumption at home) are becoming incredibly common throughout the world. Do the potential environmental advantages of these devices outweigh the potential risks?
How Technology Can Stymie Epidemics
Technology is playing an increasingly large role in the medical industry, and it’s driving demand for health IT professionals throughout the world. There is also mounting evidence that telemedicine (and having health IT specialists more readily available throughout the world) could improve global disaster response efforts.
Breaking The Habit: Weening Humanity off of Petrol
Petroleum-based fuels are ravaging our environment and fueling political turmoil throughout the world. Kate Voss takes a thoughtful look at potential long-term solutions to the global energy crisis.