Julia McLean explores the cultural heritage of Christianity, and its ongoing destruction.
Archives for March 2011
Listen to the Wind
Who’s afraid of the wind? This force of nature can come with a gentle, nurturing caress or a vengeance that shakes human souls to the core. It carries an indomitable power over the earth that has controlled the way we live since the first spark of life on the planet.
My Own Personal “Cheers”
Kylen O. Lefave loves living in Victoria, British Columbia, which is a bit like the TV Show “Cheers”, where “everybody knows your name.”
Moshin’s Mistake
A young boy’s fall triggers results in a critical medical emergency, and Kane Ryan of Dirty Wall Project finds himself facing India’s medical system and a life and death decision.
Why Charlie Sheen Kind of Matters
Charlie Sheen, the lovable, charismatic bad boy paid millions to entertain is now a lowly, crazed thug. What does his public meltdown say about life as human?
A Writer’s Journey of Inspiration
Dan L. Hays revisits the major turning points in his quest to write and publish a book, and builds the strength to believe in his writing.
James Bond Dresses as a Woman for International Women’s Day
Daniel Craig, famous as 007 in James Bond films, dresses as a woman for an International Women’s Day video to illustrate the dramatic and troublesome differences between the way men and women experience the world.
A Broken Shoelace and Lesson in Optimism
As Steve Goldburg learns, there are lessons in the smallest things in life, even shoelaces.
Reliable Recall – The Holy Grail of Dog Training
What if you’re standing in a playing field and your dog won’t come to you? What if you want your dog to “sit” and he keeps looking for squirrels? Eric Brad lets you in on some methods and mindsets for getting more cooperation from your dog.
Too Many Blogs? Get Over It
With 156 million blogs, there are at least that many opinions about whether blogging is good, bad or ugly. Lorne Daniel explores the blog phenomenon, the criticisms, the narcissism and the sexism against mommy bloggers.