A result of the very long unpaid or inadequately paid period of apprenticeship, during which survival is dependent on adhering closely to programs established at the higher levels of the hierarchy, is training in avoiding independent thought, especially avoiding noticing when the results of research are not serving the general public.
Musings on Halley’s Comet
Have we made significant progress in dealing with cognitive dissonance in scientific thought since the beginning of the fourteenth century? I wonder.
Blood Moons, Asteroid Impact, and Prophesy
If Swift-Tuttle were to collide with the earth, the result would be massive extinctions, but a smaller object with similar properties, exploding over the Pacific Ocean, would produce effects in Europe and the Middle East that approximated the description in Revelation 6.
Einsiedeln Abbey Church: Baroque Survivor of the Reformation
This heavily decorated church is a rare survivor of the iconoclasm of Huldrych Zwingli’s Swiss Reformation.
The Making of Christmas
Scrooge felt that he had to steel himself against the harshness of the world. And, as he became wealthy, his fiancé found that he wanted a golden idol more than her. Cutting himself off from her love, he failed to realize that she hadn’t changed – no matter the state of the world.
The Shoes of the Fisherman
This 1968 film, with its idealized vision of a truly humble and charitable pope, is worth watching in light of events in the Catholic Church today.
New Year’s Resolution #3 – A healthy mind and spirit
One section of my 2012 New Year’s Resolutions was to do with another kind of health from the physical. Some might call it emotional health, or mental health, or spiritual health – it’s all of these things, and I just referred to it casually as my Morale. In this article I’d like to offer some advice to anyone who wants to improve their quality of life in 2013.
Stolen Church
Vatican II was striving to flatten the hierarchical structure that had rigidified over the centuries and in doing so create a Church characterized by the harmonious participation of all its members in bringing the message of love to the world.
A Restless Soul
During the past year Ross Lonergan has been restlessly moving from church to church. He has finally realized that he’s not going to find God in religious ritual.
Wrestling With Faith: Embracing the Tension Between Head and Heart
Ross Lonergan reflects on the tension between faith and reason in the modern age.