The kitchen was small and yet Mom had the magic touch in that tiny space. She could produce the most amazing things with flour, butter and sugar. And there were always pans of her nuts and bolts and cheese straws. All sorts of her fruit pies – apple, strawberry and blueberry – were frozen in her giant freezer in the garage.
A Heart and Soul Christmas
Standing by your principles – even if it doesn’t work out – can still give your struggles meaning.
Start Packing
Well, when gifts were finally being opened this particular Christmas, I came across a huge box under the tree for me. All I could think was maybe my parents bought me the stereo I had been dreaming about!
The Missing Gifts
Every Christmas is different, and this year will be no exception. I’m good with a departure from turkey, and am open to coconut milk eggnog. But of course, adapting to change doesn’t always come easy, especially when love is involved.
The Way to Christmas
I hope this book becomes a theme for the coming Christmas; it is as timely as it was when it appeared just over a hundred years ago. What other signposts are hidden in my memory, ready to point down “rabbit holes” when the time is ripe for uncovering old information in a new context?
(Some Kind of) Santa is Coming to Town!
Here we are, up to our aspics in the holiday season. Most of the country is still high on Black Friday savings from all those zeros we rolled up and smoked (legally) after not handing them over to store clerks for slippers, scarves, and waffle irons. What an amazing time of year. Puff, puff, save!
A Mother During the Holidays
Holding the handmade ornaments from my daughter, with their crayon colorings, brilliantly arranged as a little girl of five to say Santa was arriving, made me nostalgic for those beautiful days of handcrafted gifts with special bows made by her small hands.
The Ghosts of Christmas Past
The fire’s going, the music’s on, the finishing touches on the tree are complete. I pause, my mind wanders and I find myself turning to pen and paper to express my feelings in that moment…
All I Want for Christmas
Santa Claus, a filled stocking, the tree in all its glory – as Christmas draws near, I’m reminded of the magic as seen through a little girl’s eyes. And although I still love the twinkling lights and the early mornings in my pyjamas, waiting for everyone to get up, I no longer have a wish list. Well, there may be one item on that list, but it’s a pretty tall order – even for Santa.
Concrete Creations: Christmas Presents!
Many years ago, when I was in my 20’s, I decided to make some of the Christmas presents I would give to my family. This year, I decided to revisit some of that fun and use my configurable mold to create some concrete gifts for friends and family.
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