What used to be considered as a glorified online journal, blogging, is now one of the most popular means of sharing information with others.
The Zen of Blog Commenting
“What I have witnessed online is that commenting on blog posts brings out the best and worst in us,” writes Nathan Thompson, who explores the social graces and gremlins of commenting online.
“A Gay Girl in Damascus” – A Blogger’s Response
Nathan Thompson considers the responsibilities of being a blogger after the “Gay Girl in Damascus” hoax.
Too Many Blogs? Get Over It
With 156 million blogs, there are at least that many opinions about whether blogging is good, bad or ugly. Lorne Daniel explores the blog phenomenon, the criticisms, the narcissism and the sexism against mommy bloggers.
Life As A Human Likes #5
This week, we feature three terrific authors who have well-read blogs providing sound advice and insights that can help with your business life as well as your personal growth.
BlogHer…or Blog Blur: From Personal to Public (Relations)
When it first launched, the BlogHer conference was an inspiring place for woman (and male) bloggers to meet and connect in a friendly, informative atmosphere. Has the conference become a victim of its own success and sacrificed some of the personal appeal?
LilliputReads.com: Are Writers Who Snub Online Publishing Missing the Point?
The author ponders the reluctance of some writers to accept technological change, , shunning the idea of publishing their work on the internet.