Nathan Thompson explores the story of a monk who remains in the dangerous area of Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in order to serve the people, and how local aid is often overlooked in the age of massive disater relief from external sources.
Archives for March 2011
How to Tackle Procrastination
It’s so easy to put things off until tomorrow, but procrastination can often leave you with a sense of guilt, shame, and feeling out of control. Life coach Kylen O. Lefave offers some positive motivational tips to help you break the procrastination cycle.
The Landscape of the Writer
A writer continues his New Mexico road trip, back to the landscape and sacred sites that inspire him — and he discovers the book he is writing has a powerful impact on friends at a 12-step meeting.
Life Lessons from an Autistic Child: Johnny and Me
Melissa Worrell’s life and the way she lives it has been changed forever by autistic child named Johnny.
Politician: Why Do We Diss the Job?
“Who among us thinks they have the skills, character, resilience and social aptitude to do a spectacular job of being an elected official?” asks Lorne Daniel in a rare defense of of the world’s most unpopular profession — politician.
Feeding the Masses
Have you ever wondered what to feed a crowd of hungry people? Elizabeth (Susie) Sweeney has the answers. Susie hails from my home town in Yarmouth, NS, and she’s spent years cooking up tasty vittles for crowds at church suppers and farmer’s gatherings. She’s also cooked for friends and community events “From Susie’s Pantry,” a […]
A Kilt Will Take You Far
It seems somehow fitting that we can thank a doctor for the existence of Canada’s number one golf course, the Highland Links, which lies directly adjacent to the venerable Keltic Lodge Resort and Spa. Back in the 1890s it was Dr. William Morgan who ordered fresh air and rest for the ailing wife of wealthy […]
In Defense of Fiction
In an all-too-real world of 24-hour news, is fiction still relevant? And how do we decide which stories to tell our children?
Squeezed in the Sandwich Generation
Star Weiss, like many of her peers, is experiencing what it’s like to be part of the Sandwich Generation, a demographic coping with the needs of children and ageing parents. How do you balance your priorities when your heart goes out to all of them?
Homes and Hearts Opened to Victims Seeking Refuge from Japan Disaster
A Canadian man sent one tweet offering free accommodation to Japanese seeking refuge following the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear radiation leaks. Dozens of people have followed suit thanks to Accommodate Japan. Now, the messages needs to reach the Japanese.
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