The owner of the house had torn out the grass, bushes, trees and whatever else was living, and created an entirely artificial landscape: artificial turf for a lawn, plastic flowers in concrete pots. Nearly everything living had been covered over or removed altogether.
It’s a long painful history that continues to repeat itself. The greatest thing we can do as a human population is to finally break the chains that our minds have been tightened with; release our intellect to combat the immoral and unethical need to submit one’s self to anyone or any ideal.
Let’s Stop Teaching Girls to Fear
I don’t have kids, and probably never will, but I still find myself surrounded by little girls. Many of my friends have them, and my sister has one who will be five later this year. They are cute.
What isn’t cute is when the collective world encourages “the cuteness” of their fear of something.
Poverty Revolts
Riots and protests are happening for a reason – we need to listen to those ‘voices’ and seek change as an entire nation.
Follow Your Bliss: Wise Advice or Elitist Rhetoric? (Part Two)
Following your bliss is not about the gratifying the desire for personal pleasure; it is rather about “doing what you absolutely must do to be yourself.”
Follow Your Bliss: Wise Advice or Elitist Rhetoric? (Part One)
Following your bliss is not about gratifying your personal desire for pleasure; it is about “doing what you absolutely must do to be yourself.”
Public Transportation Should Be Free
When I look deeper, I see another symptom of class warfare. Why do I see this? Because even as I write this, I know that those who don’t take the bus probably don’t care about the situation. $2.25 is no different than $3.25 to some, but to others, it is the difference between being here or there.
When Will People Learn Humidity And Cars Don’t Mix
A humid air mass settled across southern and eastern Canada in the last few weeks, yet people continue to leave pets and children unattended in cars.
Calgary Flooding Aftermath Should Include Insurance Reform Discussion
The heavy downpour of rain that flooded areas in and around Calgary was the worst flooding disaster to hit the region in over a century. An outpouring of support from Albertans, Canadians, and citizens around the world came through in the form of donations to the Red Cross, as well as statements of support on […]
Feminism: A Dirty Wordy?
I found words like ‘man-haters’, ‘feminazis’ (a hideous term which marries the word ‘feminine’ with Nazi-ism) and ‘radicals’ (which by definition means ‘favoring or effecting fundamental or revolutionary changes in current practices, conditions, or institutions’, but which also has a distinctly negative connotation in the realm of feminism). One female blogger wrote, “feminists are trying to make us believe there is this ghastly patriarchy that is ruling the land and that women need special treatment.”