One of our key Upside Life messages is about developing and maintaining financial well-being through adequate saving coupled with living within our means and buying items when we can afford them. National Public Radio Economic commentator Beth Kobliner gave what I would consider some of the best advice about saving and spending: “Make it easy […]
A Cup of Coffee
For Hippy Urban Girl, a simple cup of coffee is no simple thing, but it’s satisfying all the same.
Business Casual: Wall Street Awakens Nostalgia for Sharp-Dressed Men
In watching the 1987 original of the film Wall Street, Julie is hit with strong nostalgia for the suit-wearing days of lore.
Buddy, Can You Spare A Job?
It seems employers of today are refusing to interview applicants who are “presently unemployed.” Let me repeat, employers with viable positions that need to be filled in order to move their companies forward are refusing to interview candidates who are “presently unemployed.”
Finding Life Balance Through Creating and Consuming
To find the coveted work-life balance, it may simply be a matter of giving out value as a Creator, and being open to receiving value back as a Consumer.
Tipping the Balance
I make my living as a waitress. I consider myself a professional. I find it’s a career choice that people are both intrigued and repelled by. The restaurant industry is a strange one. It’s a whole different way of life. It’s not just the working evenings. It’s the mystery, the romance, the chaos, the stress. […]
The Frugality Gene
It’s a little known, but (mostly) true fact that an elusive bit of DNA known as the Frugality Gene can govern a person’s entire behavior. Susan Ivory separates thrift from cheap.