Sometimes certain words can set people off. For ‘Thriving On the Other Side’ the issue was with the word ‘God’.
Something Far Greater
‘Thriving On the Other Side’ encounters a kindred spirit and experiences a sense that something far greater than herself is at work in her life.
Can You Be Too Open?
Some people are comfortable sharing their inner selves; others create wide boundaries. Our author asks a vital question: “Can you be too open?”
Precious One
As she rereads some of the notes her mother left her, it occurs to “Thriving On the Other Side” that her mother taught her a valuable lesson in the midst of all those precious gifts — that life is as we see it, or remember it.
Righteous Indignation
Righteous indignation became my badge of honor. Whenever I saw someone being mistreated, taken advantage of, or just plain bullied, I would stand up for the downtrodden, no matter who or what they represented. I realize now that all that righteous indignation took up a ton of my energy in my 20s, 30s and 40s.
The Other Side of Me: Please Release Me
Have you done a lot of personal growth work and freed yourself from being a victim only to find others refuse to acknowledge or support your growth? Here’s one woman’s story of how she freed herself.
The Other Side of Me: The Damndest Things
Have you even noticed how the damndest things happen — events occur that are in total sync with your life and yet so out-of-the-blue unexpected that it must be destiny? I’ve been having a lot of those experiences lately. Former boyfriends (yep, the hurtful dudes) suddenly appearing in my life after decades without a word, notes from my father falling from a book I hadn’t picked up in forever…
The Other Side of Me: The Majority Rules
Do you believe in the All-or-Nothing rule? You know, the idea that we’re either 100% happy or we’re not really happy? Maybe there’s a better way to think about it?
The Other Side of Me: Crossing the Finish Line
A woman who finds herself living the script of victimhood decides to cross the finish line and begin a capable, healthy life.
The Other Side of Me: In the Process
I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about healing lately. Not about the process – but about the final destination. There is a destination, you know. This is not a continuous train that has to run for the rest of my life – there is an ending. And I’m reaching it. Enough with ‘in […]