I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about healing lately. Not about the process – but about the final destination. There is a destination, you know. This is not a continuous train that has to run for the rest of my life – there is an ending. And I’m reaching it. Enough with ‘in process’ – it’s time to be done.
Yet as I speak to folks who’ve been abused or abandoned or betrayed, or some of the healers I work with, I hear one common theme – well, many. But one theme has come to bug me lately. What is it?
There seems to be this idea that we are constantly and continuously in the process of healing our rage, our tears, our fears. We’re in the process of working through them, allowing them to release, or stepping up and facing them — someday. But there’s always another piece we can find that needs to release – another rage that needs to be released.
Even when life just happens, we blame it on our healing process. Catch a cold? We must be holding onto a bit of rage or victimhood. Have a bad day? We must be releasing our horrors. Say what?
It’s like we’re all focused so much on the process that sometimes I wonder if we expect to get to the end. Or if we want to get to the end. And that’s my point. The end, aka the healing, seems to give way to the process of healing.
I chatted with someone a few weeks ago who told me over and over again why they needed to continue to release their anger and sadness – had to use their meditation and physical practice to release all the stuff. For years this has been happening, and they still have to keep releasing it.
I asked a simple question: “Why don’t you just let go of it all at once? You can if you choose, you know?” Well, you would have thought I’d slapped this person across the face. “I can’t release it all at once…it takes time to do this. It’s so deep and so hard – I have to do it slowly and I have to give it the time it needs.”
I heard those same rules from others, too. But then one day I was thinking about why we believe that healing has to take forever – and a spoken lesson from a spiritual guide came back to me.
“If we believed we are healed, we will be. In an instant.”
I remembered the push-back I had when I heard that thought. The idea that we can immediately heal, leave all the crap behind us and simply move on….how radical is that?
Yet is it radical? Or is it more likely that the human beliefs we have are the radical thinking?
Think about it: we’re taught that healing takes time, that the pain is deep so we have to suffer long to heal it. We have to earn that healing with more pain. The deeper the old pain, the longer the healing and the more we have to suffer to heal. That’s just plain ridiculous if you think about it.
Those are all teachings from others who believe they are limited. In truth, I believe that we are all master creators, in these physical bodies to experience life in human form. So who says we have to take years, have loads of anguish and pain, and suffer and suffer and suffer some more to heal?
We do.
We do NOT have to take ages to heal. We don’t have to spend weeks or months or years releasing anger or fear or hurt. We can choose to release it all in the blink of an eye – and it will be gone.
We have the power to heal immediately. The only thing standing between our healing and us is – well – us.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Gil Namur and Jazz Dog, Life As A Human. Life As A Human said: New Article, The Other Side of Me: In the Process – http://tinyurl.com/2dnaqc8 […]