Releasing old fears means changing the story you tell yourself.
I’m yet again amazed at how easily we can get stuck in the gravity of our past. The stories of our past come to determine who we are in the present and the future. And that’s exactly what happened me.
I found myself thinking yet again as the victim. Even though I was moving beyond that reality toward healing myself, , I still kept returning to that truth as my own personal story. Some would say it’s because of cellular memory or deep-seated subconscious trauma. Many would agree it was beyond my conscious control and that I had to continue to work on my healing to release slowly — because these things take time — and that until I released the story, I would continue to cycle, with the story losing its power over time.
There I’d go, back to the belief that healing has to be slow and painful — a struggle.
But in the past month I’ve learned that we do have the power to heal ourselves, in an instant. And we can forget the struggle; it’s not necessary. God gives us all the power to create any life we desire, from the moment we’re born, whenever we want to create it. We’re just programmed by our limited world to forget that power and limit ourselves.
My work with my shaman helped me to remember that truth and to release those beliefs as dysfunctional and limiting programming. I’ve been so close to my full power for the past few months that I can taste the freedom yet something has held me in the pit of fear. I could feel the tethered limitations on my thoughts, my beliefs and my vision of my future. No matter how hard I tried or focused to release that story forever and step forward in faith, something held me back.
Two weeks ago a dear friend recommended a book that gave me the final tool I needed to achieve release forever. It’s called The Healing Code: Unlocking the Issues of the Heart, written by Dr. Alexander Loyd, PhD, ND (with Dr. Ben Johnson) whose wife faced severe depression, chronic fatigue and more for 17 years with no respite — until they found the healing codes, at which point she was healed.
The healing codes is all about healing cellular memory: the deepest, oldest imprints from our childhood and beyond that represent our first (and most permanent) programming. From the moment I opened the book, I knew the authors were talking to me.
I began to do the healing codes on January 7. Six minutes, three times a day is all it takes. Within 48 hours I felt the seed of my traumas and fears begin to lift. Within a week I could not even touch any of these fears and traumas consciously. I remember them, just as I remember what I had for dinner two nights ago, but there’s no emotion attached, no power. Thanks to one week with the healing codes, I disconnected my fears from their ability to control my life.
In that same week doors began to fly open int he form of 0pportunities for me and my book Defy Gravity; for my consulting work, speaking, coaching and more. They are coming to life so quickly I feel like the BOSE ad where the big sound of the speaker blows the guy backwards.
We do have the power to heal. It’s in our DNA: spiritually, emotionally and physically.
For me, The Healing Code, along with my new-found faith in God, have catapulted me into a new level of faith thanks to the release of the oldest, deepest traumatic fears.
I am blessed.
Photo Credits
“Books at Parks” dktrpepr @ Creative Commons Some Rights Reserved.
I love hearing your story! I love the way you describe how it feels once a memory is healed. And, unless the memory has other feelings attached to it (core memories often do), once it’s healed, it’s healed for good.
As a Certified Healing Codes Practitioner (and the editor of “The Healing Code “), I hear lots of stories such as yours, and I am daily blown away by the fact that The Healing Codes work. Dr. Alex Loyd was given a great gift. He and his wife suffered for many years, but he never gave up hope, and now the world is a better place for his faith and perseverance.
Thanks for helping to spread the word! Readers, try this. It works, if you use it. One caution: People’s issues heal at different rates. The Healing Codes work, whether we feel it or not.