When it comes to life insurance, it’s important to make sure you have the right coverage in case something happens. Make sure to calculate how much coverage you need and compare the cost of different policies. You also want to choose a payment plan that fits your budget.
Archives for August 2022
Hospital Emergency Operations Plan 6 Key Elements
To serve communities well when the chips are down, hospitals create detailed plans with specific strategies for handling a wide range of different disasters. In this article, we review the six steps that hospitals can take to ensure they can operate effectively during a crisis situation.
If Not Now, When?
I thought I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. But now that I am grown up, I’ve realized all I really want to do is live life exploring my creativity every damn day. I want to do the things I’ve always loved to do, things I’ve sidelined all my life. And really, if I correct people’s spelling and ask them to raise their hands when they have answers to my questions, then I’ve got the best of both worlds.
Are Coupons Dying? Some Stores Are Considering Phasing Them Out
If you have seen considerably fewer coupons in the past few years compared to the previous decade, you are not imagining it. Stores have been decreasing the number of coupons they print and offer, and soon we can expect the practice to disappear entirely.
Forgotten Youth
Do we ever really know our parents? They become our caregivers and they offer us love and support, but do we ever truly know them as people?
What to Do If You’re Fired from Your Job While in College
Scary though unemployment can be in college, there are solutions available. Stay calm and advance with a clear head. In this article, we take a look at what to do if you get fired from your job while in college.
Daily Life in Aspen Colorado
If you are passionate about the outdoors and love elegant and sophisticated aesthetics, Aspen could be the perfect place for you.
How To Successfully Co-Parent After a Divorce
A divorce is a traumatic event for all parties involved; however, navigating a divorce with children presents its own sets of challenges. Learning to navigate the rules of a new relationship with your former spouse and making sure to not involve your children in unnecessary drama can be harder than it seems. This article will guide readers through a divorce in a kind and empathetic manner, and will give actionable strategies for keeping your cool in tough times.
What to Do If You Think Your Partner Is Cheating
No one wants to think their partner could be cheating on them. Unfortunately, it happens. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to the signs and not be afraid to confront your partner. These tips can help you prepare to have this difficult conversation.
Why Kindness is the Key to Effective Marketing
With so many brands coming across as abrasive or pushy with their bottom line, can kindness help your business turn a better profit? In this article, we’ll go over why adding kindness and a human approach to your business model is the key to effective marketing.