Cooking with your kids can be very beneficial no matter how old they are. It will allow you all to spend some bonding time together, and it will give your kids the opportunity to learn a few simple meals that they can make on their own when they are older.
Archives for July 2020
7 Simple Ways on How to Break Free from Emotional Eating
It’s easier than you think to stop eating when your emotions get the best of you. You just need to know the tried and true strategies that could help you. Here are seven simple ways to help you break free from your emotional eating.
How to Get Back on Track Financially
Given the situation in our current world climate, many are thinking more about how to make their financial situation more secure. Maybe you’re swimming in debt or just nervous you won’t be able to make your next house payment — either way, you need a plan to turn your finances around.
When Every Day is Christmas
It may be, I’m an acquired taste… maybe, I should just shut up and listen. Okay. Yet, some people try to coverup a multitude of sins by saying, “It’s just business.” However, as Scrooge was reminded, mankind is our business – nothing else.
A Glimpse Inside the World of Travel Nursing During the COVID Pandemic
What many people don’t realize, however, is that some nurses are helping multiple communities in need during this time. Travel nurses are doing incredibly important work for patients all over the country. But what is it like being a travel nurse during COVID-19?
Why CBD Is Ideal for Fatigue
With the fast pace of life that many of us lead these days, it comes as no surprise that so many of us suffer from fatigue. When you feel fatigued, it can have a serious impact on all areas of your life. CBD can help in various ways
How to Care for Your Emotional and Mental Well-Being
If you’re feeling stressed, you’re not alone. Tons of Americans and people around the globe are feeling stressed, scared, and anxious. Keep reading to learn ways to practice self-care in the age of COVID-19.
Gambling Addiction Problems: How Do You Solve Them?
Gambling problems can happen to anyone, and it can come in many forms as well. You may start by playing games and harmlessly wagering bets, but soon find yourself getting too deep into the world of gambling. Eventually, professional and family relationships get affected, and sometimes health problems can occur as well.
How to Stay Young at Heart & Live Life to the Fullest
There’s an old Jimmy Durante song that asks “don’t you know that it’s worth every treasure on earth to be young at heart?” There’s another saying that suggests you’re only as old as you feel. So, if you remain young at heart and live life to the fullest, there is no reason you can’t enjoy […]
Blair clutches the photo of her husband and two children. The edges are bent and out of shape; worn and damaged. The photo is with her always, like a friend, a companion. She studies the photo with concentration, as though she could bring them back to her.