Fear— it happens to the best of us. We’ve all heard the saying “fear is an illusion” but I don’t believe that to be true. It is as real as any of the other emotions that we feel and experience in our lives. Maybe not daily or even as often as others, but we’ve all felt fear and had to decide how (or if) we would move past it.
Archives for August 2019
Finally, a plan
I’m not sure what the shelf life is for “What are you doing with all your free time now that the kids are gone?” but I’m still hearing it on a regular basis, and we’re entering year two. That’s the second year of a clean, fresh-smelling, private space, I mean, lonely, desolate nest.
Texas Nostalgia – Route 66, the Cadillac Ranch and Buddy Holly
We were heading to the major Panhandle city of Amarillo, the “Yellow Rose of Texas”, whose growth in the late 19th and early 20th century was enhanced by the railroad, cattle drives and Route 66, the famous trans-continental highway that wound its way from Chicago to Los Angeles.
Dear Dad
I think of you often, but especially around this time – August, 30th 1985, the anniversary of your death. I realized recently that I have forgotten how your voice sounds. How wonderful it would be to have a recording of it.
Achieving Racial Diversity in Public Schools: We’ve Still Got a Ways to Go
To date, a college degree is still the best route toward building a satisfying and rewarding life. However, many underserved groups fail to receive adequate education to prepare for the rigors of higher learning.
Why Diversity Is Important in the Green Movement
The green movement is poised to save our civilization from destruction. In such a vital role for the survival of humanity, we must have an approach that is not only diverse but intersectional as well, taking into account the lived experiences of those working to preserve the planet.
Tarmac Meditations: Haiku # 34
Clematis flowers,
White, green leaves, wet in Spring rains,
4 Very Relaxing Destinations in Southeast Asia
If you are looking for relaxing destinations in Southeast Asia that can help you get away from all of the city stress in your life, these 4 destinations are sure to please and leave you with a lifetime of beautiful memories.
Things You Need to Know About Health in Your 50s and Beyond
If you are thinking of retiring early around the age of 50, there are some things you need to do to prepare. Not only will you need to prepare financially, there are a number of health changes you should prepare for as well.
Breathtaking Landscapes in Scandinavia
There are certain parts of the world that don’t need an introduction. When it comes to beautiful, sprawling landscapes, Scandinavia is definitely among those places.