I started my exploration of Iran at 35,000 feet. Sitting next to an Iranian woman on my flight bound for the Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport, I was educated about her native country’s recent past.
Archives for September 2014
Toronto Bird Photo Booth Business Challenge 2014
I just love using state-of-the-art gadgets to get up close and personal with all aspects of our natural word, especially birds. Earlier this summer, I built a motion detector bird camera rig and started the Toronto Bird Photo Booth Business Challenge 2014.
Bringing Connectivity to the World’s Most Remote Regions
In an increasingly connected world, there are still pockets that have yet to see widespread telecommunication infrastructure.
A Journey to Spirit #20: Breathless Heart
We were soul mates; of this I was certain. Then one day he said, “I’ve decided to go on an adventure.”
Better Relationships Through Balance
When our bodies are healthy, they are said to be “in balance.” Anything more than a slight shift can cause a disturbance. The same can be said for relationships.
Just One of a Species
My main interest in photography as in life is to explore the complexity and uniqueness of each individual rather than generalizing about them as a group. I have found in my many years photographing birds and other wildlife that some animals in the species will let me “see” their personality.
When you say I can’t – think of The Typewriter Artist
I just can’t do it. Can’t climb that hill. Can’t face that obstacle. Can’t learn what I need to learn to get that job. Can’t keep going. Really? Are you sure?
Mrs. Burden and the Dragon
“The creature was less than five yards away, and the subtle reptilian smell was in my nostrils. Too late now to leap from hiding, I closed my eyes and waited…”
A Grim Portrait
Their bones will ache, not from labor
But a by-product of mere survival.
Inventing Multidisciplinary Art
Last winter I was out walking with a friend in downtown Toronto and I looked down an alley near McCaul and Dundas Street. The sun was hitting a small patch of snow on a garage roof and it was melting quickly. It struck me, even from a hundred feet away, that it was something to see up close.