A woman who finds herself living the script of victimhood decides to cross the finish line and begin a capable, healthy life.
The Other Side of Me: In the Process
I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about healing lately. Not about the process – but about the final destination. There is a destination, you know. This is not a continuous train that has to run for the rest of my life – there is an ending. And I’m reaching it. Enough with ‘in […]
The Other Side Of Me: Scary Voices
Before the memories returned, I always thought I lived in the moment. I find that laughable now. I had so many voices in my head – prodding me, questioning me, scaring me. These voices examined every potential outcome of every potential situation – looking for the worst possible case scenarios. I was always expecting and […]
The Other Side of Me: Slowly She Turned
I’ve never been a patient person, anything but. I focus on what I want to accomplish, and I get ‘er done. I’ve always been powerful enough to just blast right through whatever was slowing me down. If it was a physical ailment – I just kept going and ignored whatever was wrong. If it was […]
The Other Side of Me: Push No More
Thriving On the Other Side learns that though she has pushed through every other blockade or barrier in her life, it’s time to flow with her own path and push no more.
The Other Side of Me: Walking a Divine Path
Thriving On the Other Side remembers how Angels would appear, wrapping her in their warmth and helping her survive the darkest of days …
The Other Side of Me: Dungeons and Demons
Thriving On the Other Side visits a shaman in the Christian tradition who helps release Thriving from the dark entity sapping her emotional and physical strength.
The Other Side of Me: The Energetic Me
Thriving On the Other Side feels a dark energy enveloping her and draining her energy. She knows she must confront that darkness as part of her healing.
The Other Side of Me: The Slowest Part to Heal
Emotionally I’m so far along my healing path, intellectually and spiritually too. It’s only in my physical body that I have major healing left to do. It’s so weird to be ready to jump into life full force, with all the passion and spirit that comes with being On The Other Side. So many doors are opening for me, so many opportunities are coming my way to finally live the complete life of my dreams. And yet I’m still held back, this time by my physical body.
When her friend’s lover fakes his disappearance in an elaborate con job, Thriving on the Other Side finds herself overrun with memories of a similar situation that happened to her just three years before.