The ideal candidate is someone who values cleanliness, who upholds respect for people’s property, and who has a sense of responsibility. In other words, high-quality tenants are low-risk tenants. So how do you attract the best-of-the-best? Here are a few tips that will teach you how to screen potential tenants.
Bright is Right in Climate Fight!
Even if high-albedo roofs were an “urban-only” thing, it would make a significant difference in energy use during summers.
Outdoor Water Features Create a Soothing Environment
We are constantly plugged in, on call 24/7, a home oasis is increasingly important. Adding a water feature can turn a plain outdoor living space into a calming getaway spot. Studies have shown that “blue space” or urban water features have positive impacts on health… but is your fountain, pond, bubbler or water feature right for the space?
New Year, New Me: Confessions of a Procrastinator
I have recently discovered the secret of how to get me to accomplish tasks that I do not want to do. And I must say that as a psychologist I am not proud of what I found out!! If I need to clean out a closet, just give me a task that I want to […]
The Reno Man: Tales from the Attic
What can a guy do when he gets the urge to do home renovations in the dead of night? Well, sometimes, a man’s just got to do what a man’s got to do.
The Practical Man’s Home Reno Guide: Timing is Everything
Terry Hume ponders what the right thing to do would be: buy that sports car or renovate that kitchen? It’s such a tough decision. Really tough.
How to Renovate Your House (and Still Remain Married)
In this introduction to his mini-series, author Terry Hume relives some highs and lows of a recent home renovation project and imparts some wisdom to couples on how to stay married when your home is being torn apart.
Simplifying, Stage 2: The Meltdown
Lorne Daniel discovers the tasks involved in simplifying a person’s home, office and electronic data can be quite complicated.
Little Pig Burns House Down, Blames Wolf: Drastic Thoughts About Clutter
It sounds crazy, but I really hope my house burns down. I honestly believe that if I lost all of my worldly possessions in a fire, I would be able to escape this house, the clutter and particular memories these boxes of crap represent. I half expect the producers of the show Hoarders to knock […]
One Thing is Clear: I Must Simplify
A writer renews his efforts to create a clutter-free environment with a focus on what’s really important. But simplicity isn’t always so simple.