In the era of COVID-19, education has, by and large, transitioned online to protect the health and well-being of children, while still enabling their development. However, there are some challenges to this format, particularly a lack of one-on-one coaching from teachers limited by social distancing guidelines.
What to Expect When Your Parent Moves into a Retirement Community
There’s no doubt that having a parent or loved one move into a senior retirement community brings about substantial change. Not only for your parents, but for your entire family as well.
What to Say in a Performance Review as a Manager
As a manager, what you communicate during a performance review carries weight. It might seem routine for you, but for your employee, the words you express can have a huge impact on future performance, attitude, and employee happiness.
Books are Making a Comeback While Ebook Sales Plunge
It’s no secret our world is becoming increasingly digital. Everything from banking to dating has moved online, and people are rarely surprised when a new service appears in this realm. But there is at least one item that might not be so easily turned digital: print books.
Bright is Right in Climate Fight!
Even if high-albedo roofs were an “urban-only” thing, it would make a significant difference in energy use during summers.
Are Stiffer Fines Coming For The No.1 Killer On Our Roads?
With the veritable explosiveness of smartphone ownership we’ve seen in North America over the last decade, there has been an equally shocking growth in the number of fatal motor vehicle accidents related to distracted driving that occur each year. Distracted driving due to cellphone use has become such a big problem that it has even surpassed driving under the influence of alcohol as the leading killer on our roadways.
A Simple Water Filter is Saving Millions of Lives
Set your timer. Look at your watch. Let about 20 seconds pass. Done? Someone, somewhere, died during your count from lack of clean water. She may have been a pretty little girl not yet 5 years old, or a beloved boy child, possibly younger. Odds are one in four that she, or he, was just a child.