I am 55 years old, what little hair I have left is gray, and I walk with a limp. I no longer tuck my shirts in, because doing so accentuates the large bump that protrudes over my belt. As we age, we deteriorate, and the awareness of that can bring on depression and anxiety. If unfettered, this state opens the floodgates to a host of diseases and afflictions that can, in turn, deepen the depression, sending the hapless soul into a downward spiral from which there may be no return.
Thankfully, there is a cure for this condition.
A sports car.
My wife, however, decided it was time to renovate our kitchen. Those old cupboards, she reasoned, just had to go.
Sports cars have the ability to make their owners feel 20 years younger (remember, you’re only as old as you feel). Manually shifting the gears and working the pedals quickens the heart rate, and getting second looks from attractive women increases this aerobic workout dramatically. A sports car can boost self-esteem, instill confidence, and add years to a man’s life.
Cupboards hold dishes.
Our budget could not support both ideas.
It was decision time.
The cabinet-maker was due to arrive at 8am on Monday morning. We had renovated the majority of our main floor five years previously, but stopped short at the kitchen due to the costs involved. One more room, and we would finally be done.
Or so we thought.
After 35 years of quietly performing its designated task, a water pipe decided the time to succumb to our Canadian winter had finally arrived. The day before the kitchen reno project started, the pipe froze, split, and flooded our basement.
Enter contractor #2.
While one contractor demolished our kitchen, the second one happily commenced gutting our basement. The result? Two months of utter chaos.
I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, a T.V. person. For half the year, I barely watch the thing. I am passionate about one thing, however.
The NHL regular season was drawing to a close, the playoffs were looming, and my plans of holing up in the basement TV room went out with the soggy carpets. My sanity was spared only by the fact that my favorite team missed the playoffs.
Which brings me to Renovation Tip #1:
The unexpected can happen.
Photo Credit
Photo from Big Stock Photo
Rosa Gilmar says
Thankyou for brightening my day! Your short stories are a breath of fresh air!
Good stuff Terry!
Jessica Saavedra says
Keep em’ coming Terry – I love to read them 🙂
Sharron and Andre says
LOL!! So true Terry-Love this story. As we to are in the middle of renos-I gave Andre the option 3 years ago-new car/truck or renos. He said our old car was find, LOL -Reno still going on / need a new car now!!!!!
Keep up the writings love to read them. Take Care
Donna L says
You would have looked so good in that car Terry. You do look good in the kitchen, but somehow its not quite the same