I have recently discovered the secret of how to get me to accomplish tasks that I do not want to do. And I must say that as a psychologist I am not proud of what I found out!! If I need to clean out a closet, just give me a task that I want to do even less, like cleaning the oven. When faced with a deadline on a difficult task, I end up engaging in activities that while needing to get done, are not a priority. I admit it I am a PROCRASTINATOR! Why is it that as a deadline approaches, I sometimes find myself organizing my desk or cleaning a file cabinet, rather than focusing on my writing that is my “priority”? I delude myself by thinking that these diversions are important tasks to accomplish as well, but why now?
Most of us engage in some form of procrastination, at least occasionally, and some of us are “pros.” The reasons for procrastination are many, but it is important to note that procrastination can costs us lots of money, time and emotional energy we could be using for better purposes. So, as we begin this New Year, let us take a few minutes to see how procrastination affects us and as we increase our awareness of this problem, we can decrease its cost to us.
The most common form of procrastination is waiting until the last minute to do something. However, there are other signs that may not be so obvious. These include getting sick when facing an unpleasant task, being hesitant to try something new, avoiding decisions or confrontations, blaming others or the situation for your unhappiness, or being “too busy” to get tasks accomplished. Procrastination can lead to feelings of guilt, inadequacy, depression and self-doubt. It has a high potential for painful consequences.
The root causes of procrastination can be overt or fairly complex. There are many causes; however, an overlying cause is fear. Each procrastinator responds to their own constellation and interpretation of their fears. Procrastination serves as an escape, albeit a temporary one, from doing unpleasant or threatening things.
The dynamics of putting off an important task can vary from individual to individual and from task to task for the same person. Do any of these sound familiar?
•The task does not hold interest for you
•Shortening the time you actually have to work on the task
•Evaluation anxiety (concern about others’ responses to your work)
•Fear of failure (not trying is a form of failure, but not as painful as actually trying and failing)
•Lack of information needed to complete the task
•The task seems overwhelming or unmanageable
If we consider the idea that the basic issue is not “procrastination” per se, but rather procrastination is our response to perceived fears, then our path to a cure becomes more sharply focused. Addressing irrational beliefs, underlying fears and poor attitudes will provide an important place to start taming our problem. Listen to your own self-talk and come up with productive, helpful ideas to replace the critical, counterproductive ones. You can also try:
•The “30 minute plan”—Work on an unpleasant task for 30 minutes and then see if you want to continue. Reward yourself and try to initiate as many 30-minute periods as possible
•Focusing on your own needs and expectations rather than those of others
•Examining your standards and evaluate how realistic they are
•Setting realistic goals
•“Workaholics” need to learn the value of setting aside time each day for relaxation, socialization, exercise and play. Productive, creative people need to take vacations and play (without guilt)! Schedule some fun.
How does procrastination affect you? You could be one of the few persons who is organized and consistently tackles problems on your own terms. However most of us engage in some form of procrastination that limits our productivity, effectiveness, and happiness. Try one new behavior to limit the effects of procrastination this New Year and you may be surprised at how much it helps and can be encouraged to do more.
As for me, cleaning closets will have to wait…I’ve got 30 minutes more to “WRITE!”
Photo Credits
Clock @ Flickr
The Future Dr. H says
Thanks for the insight. I can relate but have found the new freedom of “chunking it out” a little at a time.