This is crazy, no it is insane the way we do the things we do. It is like a scary ride at the amusement park. Upside down, turning all around, stomach in knots, spinning around, and a sudden drop. There is a reason why the sign reads “ENTER @ YOUR OWN RISK” “Persons with high blood pressure and/or heart disease not allowed.”
You see, I know better than to get on this ride called “Life” but I do it anyway. I have always been a risk taker. Ready to take on a challenge, even competitive to a fault. I usually find myself in situations where the average person would say “No way”, yet I am saying “Umh! This seems interesting…” And sometimes I have the wherewithal l to see it through to the end, while at other times I finally scream “Uncle” in my quest to relinquish the agony I am experiencing. I have never been afraid to say I am wrong or to say I am sorry and please forgive me.
But today as you lay here with all the tubes in you, I am not taking a risk. I am standing on faith that you will be fine. You see, I was ready to make all kinds of deals with God to ensure you came out of this just fine. But his word says, “You have not because you ask not.” So I am asking and begging Him each day to make you stronger and he has kept his word.
Day by day you are getting your health back say the nurses and day by day my heart smiles a little longer. You see I need you around so we can go zip lining in Jamaica and looking for conch in the Bahamas. I am taking a chance on you, so don’t let me down.
Photo Credit
Letter by Smithsonian Institution on Flickr
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