June 13, 2010 Sat down fixin’ to work this morning. Things to write. Put Billy Joe Shaver on the box and got after it. Pretty soon I’m leanin’ back in my chair, feet up on the desk, eyes closed. Ain’t no words comin’ from me. Billy Joe seems to have them all. Oh hell, it’s […]
Tarmac Meditations #17 — Lace Up
A runner tries to find the energy and motivation for an early morning run.
Tarmac Meditations #16 — Sunday Morning
A runner who who craves a lazy Sunday morning finds the world if full of reasons to get out of bed. And some of them of good ones.
Tarmac Meditations #15 — Not Knowin’
A runner shares the stream of consciousness of his early morning thoughts.
Tarmac Meditations #14 — Coming Back
A runner reflects that it doesn’t matter how fast you are or how many times you fall, you just have to keep on coming back. That’s what makes the difference.
Tarmac Meditations #13 — Photographer’s Reflection
I met a couple of Vietnam vets who were there for the run — to “represent,” one of them told me with a grin. We talked about the weather, how the hedgerows were electric green in the downpour. I heard subtext in the rain talk, sensed it was a memory of jungle and youth. The far-off looks told me that memory is where you find it.
Tarmac Meditations #12 – Comin’ Slow
May 14, 2010 Ran for 80 mins. First time since June. Stopped twice. Once for nature, once for no reason. Ran up hills. Listened to the Lovin’ Spoonful, Marvin Gaye, Van Morrison, Roots. Didn’t think about a goddam thing ‘cept running before daylight. Came to me that I was runnin’, no need for thinkin’. Did […]
Tarmac Meditations #11 — Morning Dew
“‘Walk me out in the morning dew my honey…,’ sang the Grateful Dead oh so long ago. It was one of my favorite songs.” Michael Lebowitz remembers the song ‘Morning Dew’ as he heads out on his morning run, barefoot.
Tarmac Meditations #10 — Hard Tellin’, Not Knowin’
Two running buddies reflect on life and how styles of running have changed, from barefoot to Nike to barefoot and on and on and ….
Tarmac Meditations #9 – Future Thinking
May 10, 2010 On June 27 at Alton Baker Park, get ready to light out, vamoose, skedaddle, make tracks, split, hotfoot it, scram, leg it, sprint, race, dart, rush, dash, hasten, hurry, scurry, scamper, bolt, fly, gallop, charge, hurtle, speed, zoom, or jog, trot, tear, pelt, scoot, belt, zip, whip, bomb, hightail it, barrel, flee, […]