In his 1928 book entitled Propaganda, Bernays writes: “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.
Dear Canada…
Sometimes you don’t see your next door neighbour as anything more than a border until one day you go through customs and suddenly realize it could be the country you’ve always been looking for.
Kite Flyers
The Kite Flyers
Good Grief
Clause was a sable black cat with an attitude built on entitlement. He graciously allowed me and my other cat, Jack, to share his home, his food and his sleeping quarters for nearly three and a half years.
All By My Self
Someone told me the difference between an extravert and an introvert is the extravert finds sustenance in others while the introvert is renewed in their aloneness. I fall head over bum into the latter category.
Words for Aurora
Words spin me like a whirling dervish of clandestine epiphanies. They mend me when my soul has frayed. They jig me when I’m on the road to Jag.
Tempest Of Words
I love words. Words like hypnaogogic, gobsmacked, serendipity, and onomatopeia that lick my lips as they slip slide out of my mouth.
Heaven and Earth
A moment of sky and water held in the palm of Atacama Dry lake in Chile. On the horizon is the sleeping Licancabur volcano.
Franz Kafka Was A Buddhist
I recently ran across Rick Bateman’s insightful article delving into some intriguing commonalities between the Buddha and author, Ayn Rand. Having only made it half way through Atlas Shrugged without dissolving into a coursing fit of riotous indignation, I applaud Bateman’s peace around Rand’s self-focused literature. I must say my attempt at the novel was […]
Who Dies? – Part II
For those of you who read Part I of this article and are dying to know how it ends (sorry, double pun), welcome back. For new readers, let me summarize the previous piece. The question “Who dies?” asks us to examine what it means to die. It’s an activity, something we are asked to be […]