The argument can be made that the Second World War actually began at 7:00 A.M. on November 8, 1918 when German and French officers faced one another in a railroad car in the mist shrouded forest of Compigène to negotiate an armistice. Others mark the date as September 1, 1939, at 10:00 A.M. the day Poland was invaded and France declared war on Germany.
Archives for November 2013
Logic of Light
The process of painting, for me, is a continual search for balance between all opposite elements; not too bright – not too dark, not too colourful – not too gray, not too cluttered – not too barren, not too strong – not too weak, not too controlled – not too free.
Impression and Perspectives from Mayne Island: An Interview with Terrill Welch, Part 1
Terrill Welch is a Canadian artist living on Mayne Island, British Columbia. Internationally recognized, her paintings and photographs have been purchased by collectors and buyers in the United States, Australia, Norway, England, and Switzerland. In 2011, Skinny Artist recognized her among 21 artists to watch in its annual review.
Tarmac Meditations #135: So On And So Forth
Restless night last night so I picked up Genesis and got as far as the part where God says to Abraham, “Kill me a son.” Naturally Abe says, “No, you got to be kidding me.”
Fall Song
A poem about the lake in fall
Looking Back With the New Order
Has social networking changed us and made us prone to misplaced awe and extremity? Have we forgotten the weighty meaning of such words as “never” and “always”?
The Lobster Recipe Challenge
A recipe for lobster cakes becomes a challenge for seafood lovers to create new lobster recipes.
A Place Of Refuge
As we begin our latest photography project documenting all the Anglican churches here on Vancouver Island, we find ourselves introspectively looking at what makes churches so special.
Dalai Lama Supports Legalizing Medicinal Marijuana
Billions of dollars have been spent across the continent in the futile war on drugs. In the U.S., we have prison cells filled with folks whose main or only crime is using and/or selling this plant.
Why All The Hulla-b-lue?
All the secrets of our oceans lie behind the soulful eyes of our big-hearted mammalian cousins and humanity cannot speak their language. A dolphmaid is the perfect solution to our inter-species disconnect and ultimately to our climate woes. Welcome a new format to the UN Summit on Climate Change.