We’ve all encountered people in the workplace who exploit employees and entire organizations to fill their own insatiable needs; they’re emotional vampires. Safety lies in knowing the vampires, and in knowing yourself. In this article you’ll learn how to recognize the vampire types as well as what you can do to protect yourself.
Archives for June 2013
Dying in the Witch
“I love you,” he whispered, and that was the moment he knew what he was going to do. When you loved someone, you put their needs before your own. No matter how inconceivable those needs were; no matter how fucked up; no matter how much it made you feel like you were ripping yourself […]
Making A Difference: Jane McIntosh – Mercy Ships
A Life As A Human Interview: Jane McIntosh has always had a passion for carrying out the work of transforming lives, so much so that she traded in her home on Pender Island, British Columbia for one of a different kind – the Africa Mercy, a giant hospital ship that delivers free, world-class health care services, capacity building and sustainable development to those without access in the developing world.
Montreal’s Best Microbreweries
The province of Quebec is renowned for the quality of the beer it produces. Year in and year out, many of its breweries leave the World’s Beer Awards with their hands full of high-status prizes. Next time you are in Montreal, make sure you stop by these five awesome microbreweries.
The Lottery
As most others in my world I have often fantasized about winning the lottery. How much easier life would be. What I’ve come to realize over the years is that I’ve already won it. Out of the trillions of sperm and eggs that have ever existed on the planet, I was lucky enough just to have been born.
If plan A doesn’t work, f$&# it! The alphabet goes up to Z!
Guest Author, Keithan Alexis, reminds us that when big decisions are up for us, failure is just one of the options. You’ve got plans A, B, C on up to Z to make your dreams come true.
The Tenacity of Hope
Spending every Sunday for more than a year now with a ragtag group of Honduran children from deprived, troubled childhoods has turned out to be a surprisingly heartening experience.
Letting Go of Household Clutter
Having a clean, uncluttered household can reduce stress and anxiety, yet many of us live in environments with every spare inch of space occupied by physical objects.
Liberating Our Dreams, Ourselves, and Our Societies
I want to live in a world where people are supported for the gifts they already give to the world, regardless of whether those gifts are “money making” or not. I would love a world where just being and doing what you can is enough to be considered worthy.
Deconstructing Fiction (For Writers and Readers): Excerpt Deconstructed (6)
This is the sixth in a series of articles in which author Steven Erikson deconstructs, paragraph by paragraph, an excerpt from his most recent novel Forge of Darkness.