“What I have witnessed online is that commenting on blog posts brings out the best and worst in us,” writes Nathan Thompson, who explores the social graces and gremlins of commenting online.
Archives for August 2011
Umami: The Fifth Sense of Taste
Umami, known as the fifth flavour, is now taking its rightful place alongside sweet, sour, salty, and bitter in food glossaries.
Haute Cuisine and High Tea at Sea
A cruise can also be a rich culinary experience, as Sandra and John Nowlan discovered recently on the Crystal Symphony’s food-and-wine theme cruise from New York to Quebec City.
Tarmac Meditations #59: Fool for Running
A runner’s journal details the daily ups and downs of keeping the faith with your feet.
Inconvenient Truths: Listening to What We are Frightened to Hear
When it comes to reducing our energy use and turning away from fossil fuels, we are past the point where we have a choice. We must act now or there won’t be a future for our civilization, says renewable energy expert Robert Easterling. To move forward, we need to look at the efforts of leaders like FDR who moved entire nations to dramatic action.
Being Socially Awkward in the New Brave World
Jeff Randhawa faces a problem affecting many users of social media: what the heck do you say once you’re plugged in?
Seeing Brittany at its Best: The Land of the Interceltic Festival
The port of Lorient is perched on the rugged coastline of Western Brittany in the county of Morbihan. Nowadays, it is known for its Interceltic Festival which draws visitors from around the world to celebrate all things Celt.
Demystifying the Behaviour of Dogs
Applying training principles gleaned from behavioural science led Eric Brad to enjoy a more rewarding, less tension-filled relationship with his dogs. “What a wonderful surprise to find that living like this with my dogs can, in itself, be Positive Reinforcement for both the dogs and the humans,” writes Eric.
Self-Preservation: How Protecting “Me” Impacts on “We”.
“All living beings have an innate need to preserve “self” first. It’s in our DNA,” writes Mary Rose, but where does this come from and what implications does it have on our “self” and on the world we live in?
Tarmac Meditations #58: Taking Refuge
In his journal, Michael Lebowitz shares some of the thoughts and emotions that track through a runner’s life.