This article will aim to help you and your child navigate this highly stressful environment by providing advice on not just surviving, but thriving in test season.
How Has R.C.R.A. Affected Furniture Manufacturing?
If there is one thing that should go hand in hand with advances in technology and manufacturing, it should be our ability (and willingness) to make products that are safer for the environment.
A Successful Trade Show Relies Heavily on Bringing the Right Staff
There are many things that go into making a trade show a success for your company: chief among them is developing a sound strategy before arrival, choosing the right location to set up your booth, incorporating social media into the show, and deciding on the right visual elements to bring along. As important as any one of these things are, they arguably pale in comparison to the importance of bringing the right staff to work your booth.
Water Shortages Threaten Namibia’s Economy
Water, water, everywhere…or is it? Water covers 70% of our planet, though fresh water required for drinking, bathing in, and irrigating our farm fields is only 3% of the world’s water. Our civilization depends on a plentiful supply of clean water, and yet in some parts of the world it iss becoming ever harder to obtain. Climate change and other factors have caused huge shortages of water across the developing world, and also in rich areas like the state of California, where a multi-year drought is still ongoing. As a result, around 1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to water and it is scarce for at least one month of the year for 2.7 billion more.
Sending the Kids to Summer Camp? Why Not Take the Whole Family?
Each summer, millions of parents send their kids off to summer camp, but considering how busy our daily lives have become and the ever-decreasing amount of family time we have available to us, one must beg the question – why not join them?
Flight Regulations Pertaining to E-Cigarettes
As e-cigarettes continue to rise in popularity, legislators, health officials, and businesses are all scrambling to figure out how to treat this innovative and new nicotine delivery system.
Self-Driving Cars Continue to Move Closer to Mainstream!
It’s the technology of the moment: the self-driving car, come to deliver us all from the daily grind of having to be in full control of our vehicle at all times, freeing up more reading and working time on long journeys. But it’s been a frustrating few years as the ‘hype curve’ of the technology has peaked, with the initial enthusiasm losing a bit of steam as reality sets in.
Syfy’s Face Off – an Inspiration to a New Generation of Artists
Have you ever been watching a movie and thought to yourself, ‘How did they so effectively create that character?’ or ‘where did they get the idea for that special effects makeup?’. I think it is safe to say that we all have at one time or another; but did you ever expect to get an in-depth answer to either of those once rhetorical questions? Now you can!
Will Rethink Robotics Bring Jobs Back Home?
Technology’s advancements have placed in jeopardy the job security of many individuals. Their fear is that they will soon become obsolete – that a cheaply-produced and easily-programmed robot will supplant them from their position, offering management structures a mechanical employee that will cost pennies on the dollar; that will never request vacation time; and that will never call in sick. What does this mean for human labour?
Automated Homes: Where Functionality Meets Convenience
The arrival of the automated home has brought with it an unprecedented level of comfort, but comfort is only just the beginning.