When people learn that my wife and I will soon be celebrating our 45th wedding anniversary, they always want to know the secret to a long-lasting marriage. I tell them what I know: marry well and work hard at your relationship.
Marriage: Got to Admit it’s Getting Better… and Better!
Now, with maturity and age, I can’t pretend I didn’t waste some of that valuable time – fearing today, with no faith in tomorrow.
My Brother from Another Mother is Getting Married
I have two younger sisters, but I readily admit I always wanted a brother as well. I really wanted an older brother, but by the time I was 12, the brothers I got belonged to my mom’s best friend. They moved in down the road from us, three boys taller than I.
The Allegory of Marriage
a man and woman balanced on a log over a river, holding on to each other by a rope knotted in the middle.
Drawn To Men: Possibly More Fun Than Drawing a Bowl of Fruit?
All she had been told was, “to wear some clothes that can get a little dirty.” As the car pulled up in front of the art studio she said, “Ohhhhhhh we’re taking an art lesson! That is so cool!” The maid of honor had to hide her grin, because Crystal really had no idea what they were in for.
The Surreal Housewife: The Year of Living Dangerously
Second marriages are tricky. According to the Internet, arguably the world’s most reliable source of accurate statistics and funny cat videos, second marriages have a divorce rate of 67%—making them even harder to pull off successfully than first marriages.
The Cricket’s Song
Dr. Bashir and his wife Alia move into a huge house and wonder how on earth they will fill it. The small, quiet man ends up helping save the world one woman at a time.
Equality in Love
Marriage equality for all has been on the political agenda in Australia since the last Federal election. Isn’t it a great thing that people are in love and want to get married, to commit to one another and form stable relationships? Apparently not! Gay people in Australia are seeking the right to marry but unfortunately […]
Healing in a Virtual Village – 3
A series of intimate sexual relationships that produce no children would be disastrous in any traditional culture. This may well be a source of unacknowledged emotional stress in our own society.
Are the Stories We Have About Marriage Keeping up with Reality?
When I consider the landscape today – in the US anyway – those social/cultural pressures are lessened, and the romantic “love-based” model of relationships is the norm. More and more folks are also ambivalent about, or completely against, the idea of life-long marriage to a single partner. This, even as the tide is beginning to shift towards freedom for GBLTQ folks to get married.