Do you wish you could make your home more comfortable? Are you craving a more zen-like space but aren’t sure how to achieve it? Give these 6 ideas a try and create the peaceful oasis you’ve always wanted.
Dumping Out The Bourbon
In his quest for his day-end drink, Mike Vardy discovers that sometimes it’s okay to dump the bourbon and go with the beer. But it’s not always easy.
Let’s Hear it For the Rag Bag
The other day I read in a syndicated advice column that a person should not give used clothing to Goodwill or some similar resale charity, unless its general quality were something she herself would wear. Actually, that’s not particularly good advice.
You Really Can’t Do It All
Is multitasking leading us into an attention deficit recession? Tess Wixted offers some great advice, food for thought and some excellent additional reading on this important subject.
Back to basics: A Moving Experience
While sorting through the accumulated clutter in her house, Julia McLean sifts through memories.
The Garden Shed of Life
A simple cleaning out of a garden shed can give you insights into your personality and place in history.
De-cluttering Matters
Got clutter? Steve Goldberg shares inspiring short video on why de-cluttering matters and how to start.
Oh, the Possibilities
As Lorne Daniel discovers, sometimes we are faced with so much choice it’s almost paralyzing. But, oh, the possibilities…
Tis the Season to Be Frazzled, Fa La La La La
It’s the holiday season again. For some, it is the happiest time of the year, but for others it’s a time of stress. No matter what category you fall into, I’d like to suggest that you start a new tradition this year, and that is to follow your heart and only do those things that bring you joy.
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Feeling overwhelmed by having too much clutter, too much stress and too much debt? These blogs about minimalism offers some brilliant and inspiring solutions to be more with less.