I’m allowed to brag a bit at this point because my father, Gerry Weiss, is about to turn 100, and if you can’t sound the trumpets then, when can you?
Discovering Sasquatch…the Truth is Out There
At least one reputable wildlife biologist on Vancouver Island is wiling to stake his reputation on the evidence that the sasquatch exists.
A pilgrimage can take many forms
If a pilgrimage is a journey to a sacred or meaningful destination, with intention and attention, well, then, these simple walks would qualify.
How an evening in prison can make you feel so good
A play staged by prisoners is a brilliant example of risk, rehabilitation and rewards for all of us.
Day of Reckoning
My 98-year-old Dad has broken his neck, is in hospital, and we need to choose a nursing home for him, today. How do you do that?
Remembrance of Things Past: Another Mammogram
Star Weiss was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003. Eight years later, she reflects back on that diagnosis as she goes for her annual mammogram.
Ode to the Mother Who is My Daughter
A mother watches in awe as her own daughter becomes a mom through natural childbirth.
Squeezed in the Sandwich Generation
Star Weiss, like many of her peers, is experiencing what it’s like to be part of the Sandwich Generation, a demographic coping with the needs of children and ageing parents. How do you balance your priorities when your heart goes out to all of them?
Being There…
Author Star Weiss takes a trip to an ice filled magical arena filled with pomp, circumstance and emotion. I’m a sucker for figure skating, even though I still can’t tell the difference between a triple salchow and a triple loop, no matter how many careful diagrams they publish ahead of time in the local paper. […]
Something’s Happening Here: Hatred and Hope in the U.S.A.
What is happening to the USA? I was born and grew up there, but when I listen to some of the interviews with Americans in the aftermath of the recent tragedy in Tucson, I feel as though I’m wandering through the landscape of an unknown planet: bewildered, uncomprehending, and scared. Can that large a gulf really separate us?