A play staged by prisoners is a brilliant example of risk, rehabilitation and rewards for all of us.
A Musical Mystery Tour of Italy
A musically themed tour of Italy where a family doctor rediscovers his “dead” cousin, attempts to find out if his heirloom violin is a priceless Rocca, and takes in an opera at the world famous La Scala in Milan.
Confessions of a Former Gleek: Part 2
If you missed Julie Harrison’s Confessions of a Former Gleek Part 1, you can read it here. In the first season of Glee, I found that Will (aka Mr. Shuester) shared many of my feelings of lingering doubt … Why did I never chase my dreams? What might have happened had I actually auditioned all […]
My Time in the Federal Pen
I’d done some stupid things in my life, and even more strange ones, but one of the weirdest was performing in a play about three women who were bitter and angry at men, in a federal prison. A men’s federal prison.