The book Olive Kitteridge inspires reflections on “what it means to be human”, the power of words, and a broken stained glass window.
Haitian History, Phoney Blame, and Taking Responsibility
The first thing we can do for Haiti, besides giving the crisis support already occurring, is to push for wealthy nations who prospered from colonialism for two, three, four hundred years, to put an end to any debt schemes currently hog-tieing the Haitian government.
Life As A Human Has Begun!
Life As A Human has begun! We hope you visit often and provide us with feedback and new ideas born of that wonderful quality called human creativity.
Mongolia Adventures and Goat’s Head Soup: Steven Erikson’s Notes on a Crisis
In his Notes on a Crisis, Steven Erikson, best-selling author of Malazan Book of the Fallen series, writes about moving from Canada to the UK, his archeological adventures in Mongolia, and his dicey encounter with goat’s head soup.
Winner Takes All. Again.
Charisma is no longer magic, it’s measurable. So will the winner keep winning if the rest of us can now study her secrets to success? The playing field’s been leveled.
Oh So Human
As far as I know, I am a human. Last time I had an MRI, nobody saw anything alien in my body — or at least nothing that worried them. My blood tests don’t raise eyebrows. It appears my human-ness is valid. But how do I really know?
Media, Magic and Shifting Consciousness
Are media people — the journalists, filmmakers and others — the magi of our time? Bill Weaver explores how to re-ignite the power that each of us has to create change.
Travelling Thoughts: Into Africa
A journey is often repeated in our minds. As travelers, we continue to learn (and experience the journey) well after the trip is over as writer Sandra Phinney learned after her trip to Senegal in Africa.
February Festivals of Light and Love
Hooray for February! I’m sure that’s not a common sentiment, particularly for those who are still ensconced in snow and ice. However, as a Wiccan and a Shamanic practitioner I cannot help but be aware of how our human psyche is so very connected with what is experienced in nature. Nature is our teacher, our […]
The Pale Blue Dot
A photo of Earth taken by Voyager 1 in 1990 as it sailed away from us, more than 4 billion miles away, inspired Dr. Carl Sagan to say the following about our home — The Pale Blue Dot.