What I believe might serve us better than happiness, is PEACE. Peace can be with us continuously and maintain a steadfast state. What is remarkable about peace is that it can withstand the test of time, can live in a place that is happy or not, in darkness and in light.
GRATEFUL when it’s not so GREAT
It’s easy to be grateful when things are going great. It can however be a much harder concept to lean into when things are not going so well.
JUDGEMENT DAY…. every day
I am surprised at how often in just a single day, we find ourselves sitting in judgement of others; others that we don’t even know.
A Day Well Spent
My mother Grace is in her 83rd year and it would be completely understandable and deserved, if at this age, she chose to spend her days relaxing, napping, or reading for hours. And, while she does spend some time doing all three, much of her time is spent truly ‘living’; a rich life filled with family, friends, daily activities and evening social events, and opportunities to learn something new.
Finding True NORTH
What if instead of raising children, we raised them UP – to the light, to stand up and face forward?