I can remember, roughly 1.2 million years ago when I was a highly decorated Sixer in the Wolf Cubs, the mantra we were always hearing about was “be prepared”. Preparation was extremely important as I recall, although what exactly the 9-year-old me was supposed to be prepared for remains a little fuzzy.
Montreal Tourism generates $2.7 billion for the local economy in 2014
Montreal hoteliers and businesses whose bottom lines heavily rely on tourism are taking comfort in the results of a recent study taken on behalf of Tourisme Montreal showing that 9.2 million people visited the city in 2014, injecting a healthy $2.7 billion into the local economy.
Musicians Of The World Unite: The AFM Wants Your Money
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a union guy through and through. When I see public sector unions doing battle with the government, I don’t bitch about how good civil servants already have it compared to the rest of us, I bitch that the rest of us should have it as good as the unionized workers do.
How Amsterdam Became The Bicycle Capital Of The World
Thousands of people were dying annually prior to the reintroduction of bikes to Dutch streets.