This week, Rosie Bitts takes you into the intimate details of the life of a burlesque artist with her trip to the beauty parlour for a little “Lady Garden” maintenance!
Questions from My Car
In this series of refreshing and honest Vlogs, Rosie Bitts philosophizes from her car about what being a woman really means, who gets called a slut and why, and how women can get nominated for “Sluthood” and cast off the shame.
S/he: Stuck
As Schmutzie discovered, coming of age in the middle of a gender crisis is less fun than you’d think…
S/he: In the Beginning
A young child struggles with the early stages of self-realization and tries to make sense of the hand she’s been dealt.
The Lovers: Exploring Sacred Sexuality
The archetype of The Lovers as depicted in the Tarot speaks to us of the exchange of life force either between two people or within our selves. This is not only experienced as physical passion fulfilled, but also as spiritual intimacy and engagement.
Relationship Assumptions: Being Over 30 and Single
Why do people assume that a single guy over age 30 must have something wrong with him? Some guys are just fine, thank you very much.
No Sex Please, We’re Married With Children
Folks who have been married for a few years, like my wife and me, know that romance can take a backseat to all the other pressures life throws at you. Sex appears on the “To Do” list, and is never likely to appear before work, laundry, dishes and mortgage payments.