Most people think that being an artist is just filled with fun and finger painting and that being a burlesque performer only requires eating copious amounts of bonbons while wearing pretty things. Rosie talks about the real stresses of creating a big project and balancing life as a mother, artist and business women.
Rosie Bitts Goes to Chicago for a Stripper’s Holiday
Ever wonder what happens on a Strippers Holiday? Rosie Bitts is in Chicago with a bunch of ladies! Think of a slumber party mixed with a burlesque bootcamp.
Miss Rosie Bitts Launches One-Woman Show
Rosie Bitts is doing a one women show! Follow Rosie backstage and find out what it really takes to create an amazing theatrical production.
Scrub Your Blues Away: Rosie Gets an Aromatherapy Treatment
The camera follows Miss Rosie Bitts as she gets a personalized aromatherapy sugar salt scrub. Learn about the health benefits of aromatherapy and how scents affect our moods, our memory, and our entire lives.
Saturday Night’s All Right…for Burlesque
The life of a burlesque artist is definitely not all leisure. How does Rosie Bitts manage such a hectic schedule and still manage to look so divine all the time? Watch her video diary for some for burlesque bustle.
Rosie Remembers a Burlesque Queen – Tura Santana
Who are your female heroes? For Rosie Bitts, it took a long time of searching for her to find the type of women to whom she could relate and felt like she wanted to emulate. Burlesque queen Tura Santana was one of those women.
Rosie Bitts Brings You Burlesque Fashion
When you are a burlesque darling like Rosie Bitts, you meet the most fascinating people like Rad Juli of Rad Juli Custom Design — and music and burlesque fame.
These Are The People In Your Neighbourhood
In every neighborhood there are great people who contribute to the community, are friendly and generally make other people’s lives easier. Keith Sonic is one of those people. Rosie and Keith chat about his involvement in the Burlesque and Pin Up community on Vancouver Island, the cool projects he has coming up and the continued […]
A Rosie Kind of Life
Follow burlesque artist Rosie Bitts at home and on the road from Vancouver Island to Las Vegas and many places in between as she takes you on a journey through the past year of her life.
Winter Shadow
On the edge of a winter storm Rosie sees the darkness both outside and in as the balance to the light and happiness.