Don’t share current relationship conflict on social media. If I want to talk about current struggles or relationship questions with others online, I might head to one of the numerous dating and relationship sites.
The Grade Four Bully
The bully of grade four had requested my friendship, something he hadn’t made any effort to do in public school. I couldn’t decipher from our initial encounter if he really did know who I was. He mentioned our teacher and how he nearly flunked that year but wrote nothing that led me to understand that he understood our relationship in those harried days of my nervousness.
Canada Doesn’t Suck!
Sometimes it takes an outsider’s point of view to make you realize how good you actually have it. Sit back and enjoy your country.
How Addicted To Quizzes Are You?
Thanks to sites like Buzzfeed, the popularity of finding how Which Jane Austen Character You Are? or How Hipster Are You, Really? have become the internet activity du jour. What is the fascination with quizzes?
Is Oversharing Really So Awful?
In the past year I have blogged, tweeted, and updated about a lot of subjects other people avoid. I am an oversharer, but if oversharing is so wrong, why does it feel so good?
Snap Happy
Online profiles now require constant documentation of everyday life. Is our habit of photographing our every activity changing the way we view our lives and the lives of others?
The Social Media-Live TV Connection
Thoughts On How Social Media and TV Interact
The Pen and the Sword
The Internet is changing our political environment and we need to change with it. Traditional activism is not dead but it does need social media to help it build momentum and to increase its participant base.
Viral Marketing – Conning People into Selling their Friends the Brooklyn Bridge
Viral marketing campaigns are making internet social media the equivalent of a vast virtual Tupperware party. Much of what is disseminated through viral marketing is deceptive and designed to induce people to act impulsively contrary to their own best interests. The veneer of grassroots populism conceals clever well-funded manipulators. The author urges readers to check facts and sources before sharing or liking political and commercial messages on the internet.
Tweet, Stumble and Ping: A Follow Up
I have had numerous requests for an update on ‘Tweet, Stumble and Ping: Driving Traffic with Social Media’ over the last few months. To that end, I have compiled some stats based on our last 3 months of traffic which will give you an excellent snapshot of where our traffic is coming from. I think you will find these numbers instructive, interesting, and in some cases, a bit surprising.